First month

Well first off we’d like to say a huge thankyou to all, businesses and individuals, that have supported and helped us in getting to the start line on July 6th.


(Departure day, thanks to all)

We are currently in New York where we have stayed for two nights courtesy of Ian from Tiny Rebel Brewery, Newport, thank you Ian! and we have just tipped over the 2,000 mile mark on our world cycle (only another 16,000 to go).


(New York)

Since we left sunny Wales there has only been a few little problems on the road, most of our followers will know all about our trailers and the hassle we had once Ryan’s had tipped over one afternoon on our way into Le Mans and damaged his rear derailleur. We were both worried that mine would also become damaged so we decided to leave them in Burgos, Spain where we hope someone makes good use of them. We now have front and rear panniers each and we haven’t looked back, they’re so much easier to use and carry.

Aside from that little issue this ride so far has been amazing!! Around every corner there is something new to see, someone new to meet and talk too. We wake up every morning and look at the map and turn to each other and say “where do you want to end up tonight?” then we plot a vague route and ride along. Not knowing were you will sleep, where you will purchase food from, where you’ll be in a week/ month’s time just adds to the buzz and excitement of this journey.

Back at home almost every day for us was the same; wake up at a set time, go to work, finish work at a set time, do a few things in the evenings and then sleep, all within “specific” parameters. Now, we wake up when we feel like it, cycle (work) as much as we want, have breaks when we like, finish when we have had enough or our legs tell us so, and sleep wherever we like. We are in a way our own boss, the faster we cycle the quicker we finish or more days we allow ourselves off the bikes.


(One of three Racoons stealing our breakfast in Toronto one night)

France, Spain and Portugal were quite similar in certain ways; many hills, confusing road signs, scorching heat and a language barrier which we managed to get by with. There were day’s where it was too hot to cycle between 12 & 3 (now we know why they have siestas) and as our deadline for our flight approached we started cycling from 3am some morning’s just to get 3-4 hours of night time riding in the cool heat with not so much traffic.
There was an amazing cycle path along the west coast of France which stretched a whole 200+ miles.


(One of the endless and quiet roads through France)

As we left San Sebastian in Spain we had to head inland to Alsusa and we knew this would involve climbing a small mountain, and judging by the map it was shown as a dual carriageway, little did we know until after 3 police escorts that it changed many times into a motorway and then back to a dual carriageway, we just played the “tourist  card” and acted like we knew nothing different.


On the flight from Porto to Toronto

(On the flight from Porto to Toronto)

We rolled into Porto 2 days earlier than planned and gave the bike’s a once over and packaged them ready for the flight to Toronto.

Once in Toronto we stayed with a friend of mine who I met in Australia called Emily, had a few days off the bikes, got spare parts for the bikes and planned our route across America and Australia. We loved Canada, the people are so friendly and helpful (and they spoke English). We noticed how wide and smooth the roads were but also how much bigger the vehicles are.

Since we’ve started riding in North America we’ve been averaging an incredible 13-14 mph, that with 30-35kg of kit and food! Where as through Europe we’d only just manage 10-11 mph.

The random places we’ve slept;
3 fire stations, 2 backyards, behind 2 Mcdonalds restaurant (free wifi and breakfast on our front door), we’ve also slept in the hotel which is inside the Toronto Blue Jays stadium (thanks to Em’s mom and dad)


(The guys at the Niagra Falls Fire Department kindly let us stay for the night before we crossed the America border)

From New York we head to Washington D.C and then to Chicago to start Route 66. At the end of R66 in L.A we head north to Vancouver, hopefully before our visa expires on 30th October. Then Australia for Christmas!

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